Join Our Mission to Mitigate the Climate Crisis

We Provide High-Quality Carbon Offsets, Plant Trees & Fund Climate Change Solutions

One simple subscription to help make the world a better place.

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Trees planted through Brightest are planted in partnership with The Brightest Foundation Incorporated, a registered US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 83-3516335, alongside our local reforestation partner network. Your contribution to plant trees and offset your CO2 footprint with us is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S law.

How Brightest Carbon Offsets Work

carbon footprint calculator

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Use our easy, transparent, and free carbon footprint calculator or business carbon and GHG calculator to understand your climate and greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint, plus high-impact areas for improvement.

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We Plant Trees & Fund Clean Energy For You

Every month we plant plant trees and invest in carbon-neutralizing clean energy and waste projects, then verify the work to report back your impact. Or gift a zero carbon living subscription to a friend.

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Live Carbon Zero, Make a Difference

Little differences add up when we spread the word and work together. If every Spotify or Netflix customer went carbon-zero, it would carbon offset a country the size of Australia or Brazil.

Have a positive climate impact and cancel your carbon for as little as $10 a month. Or, for comprehensive carbon accounting, GHG audits, or custom offset solutions contact us for a proposal

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Tree Planting and Offset Projects We Support Include

Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)

Chippewa and Superior, Minnesota

Planting native, mixed conifer trees and local reforestation work in Northern Minnesota to absorb carbon, provide nesting habitat for animals, and help restore Mississippi River headwaters
Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)

Ozark-Saint Francis, Arkansas

Planting trees, fighting Oak decline, and preserving one of the most diverse forests in the United States along a southern portion of the Ozark National Forest
Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)

Kootenai, Montana

A series of projects to help Montana fight and adapt to wildfires by planting trees, restoring fire-resilient landscapes, and enabling wildfire-adapted, carbon-neutral communities
Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)


Planting and restoring mangrove tree estuaries in northwest Madagascar to capture CO2, fight erosion, and protect endangered animals
Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)

Maputo, Mozambique

Planting mangrove trees to capture CO2, provide valuable agricultural and ereconomic development resources, and improve nearby ocean and coral reef health
Plant Trees & Offset Carbon (CO2)

Lassen, California

Planting carbon-neutralizing trees and support reforestation work connected to the 2019 Red Fire wildfires near Lassen National Park
Brightest Platform

Help Us Do Even More

Let's Cancel Your Carbon Footprint

And create a more sustainable, tree-filled world along the way

Cancel My Carbon  

planting trees via the National Forest Foundation and other parnters