
Located in Houston, Texas, Bel Inizio, 501(c)3, helps disadvantaged women develop self-confidence and life skills through fitness and nutrition. Participants train to complete a 5K, which helps prepare them for the ultimate race -- the race for a better life.

Bel Inizio, "Beautiful Beginning", was founded in 2010 with the goal of helping disadvantaged women develop self-confidence and life skills through nutrition education and exercise. Bel Inizio is unique. We work with women in recovery, serving prison and jail sentences, and give them fitness opportunities and self-affirming experiences they would otherwise not have.

The Bel Inizio mission is almost 100% volunteer based. With your parntership, we link women in transitional housing facilities with the opportunity to participate in an 8-week fitness and education training program and to complete a capstone 5K runner’s event. The Bel Inizio program improves the health, fitness, and self-esteem of our clients, helping to prepare them for a successful future as they move into the next phase of their lives.

There are hundreds of women in Houston’s transitional and long-term housing environments that desperately need the critical support Bel Inizio provides. You can help!

7710 DEL REY LN, HOUSTON, Texas, 77071, USA

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