Register to Vote (US)

Ways You Can Help
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Want to register to vote online? Awesome - it's easy, fast (takes 2 mins) and free to register to vote on Brightest.

You also couldn't have picked a better time. Here's why:

The upcoming 2022 election is just as historically important as 2020. Voting rights are under attack in states ranging from Arizona to Georgia, where state assemblies have significant power to decide (and potential overrule) election rules and laws.
2022 will also decide the future direction of our country across healthcare, job creation, social equality, fighting climate change, and a host of other critical issues. Those things matter, and you should help decide what happens.

Not sure if you're registered or moved recently and want to check?

Use this voter registration lookup tool:

If you're 17 but turning 18 by election day, in most states you can also register to vote (and should). In the following states, you can only register if your 18th birthday is within a certain numbers of days or months before election day:

- Alaska: must register 90 days before election day
- Georgia: 6 months before
- Iowa: 6 months before
- Missouri: 6 months before
- Texas: 2 months before

If you're 17 years old and qualify under these rules, make sure you get registered.


This is a flexible activity that can be completed whenever you have enough free time.


This is a remote action that can be done anywhere as long as you have the necessary time, skills, instructions and resources.

Skills & Requirements
Age 18+
US Citizen
Age 17 if Turning 18 Before Election
