
From NeverAgain Action:

"What the U.S. government is doing at the border and in immigrant communities all around the country is nothing short of a mass atrocity.

Children are being separated from their families at the border and imprisoned in concentration camps. ICE raids are increasing in frequency and severity, instilling fear and terror into immigrant communities. People are dying at the border as they flee for their safety.

As Jews, we were taught to never let anything like the Holocaust happen again.

We refuse to wait and see -- we know from our own history what happens next. Many of our ancestors narrowly escaped from conditions like what we are seeing today in concentration camps at the border and detention centers around the country.
never again is now.

If you’ve ever wondered what you would have done if you had been alive in the 1940s, this is the moment of truth. This is time to put our bodies on the line because when we say never again, we mean never again for anyone."

#JewsAgainstICE #NeverAgain

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United States