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Remote Work, Climate and Sustainability

The Climate Case for Remote Work

How sustainable is remote work? We break down the macro case and share estimates on the climate impact of fewer car commuters.

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Climate Voters: An Analysis of Race, Class, and Why the Climate Action Coalition Might Be Bigger Than We Think

You might think addressing a massive, impending climate catastrophe would be a bipartisan issue, but not for most Republican politicians (and their financial backers). However, our research suggests low-income and Republicans voters of color actually do have progressive views on climate. We dig into the newest data.

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Climate Change US Voter Polling Data

The Missing Votes on Climate

New climate risk and voter polling data indicates the U.S states with the most severe predicted damage(s) from climate change are doing the least to address it, even though a majority of voters in those states support action. As climate change continues to trend as a 2020 campaign issue, why aren't more politicians catching up to the views of their voters?

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How to Stop Climate Change - A Step-by-Step Solution (That Could Actually Work)

Climate change, global warming, and mass biodiversity loss represent the most important crisis in human history. But there are also examples like Women's Suffrage and the Civil Rights movement where we've collectively changed the world for the better. Can we do the same to solve the climate crisis? We break it down.

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startup social responsibility

2019 Startup Climate, Social Responsibility & Ethical Technology Study

It's common for startups to say they're "changing the world." We analyzed 40,461 startups to explore an important, adjacent question: are startups changing the world for the better?

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