Give a Gift to Support Brightest.

Brightest is run, built and maintained by a small, passionate team, and we'd be grateful for any help you'd like to provide. We want to keep this an open, grassroots platform for helping others, even if that means covering all or most of our operating costs out of our own pockets. We're also making it a priority to work toward open sourcing and decentralizing more of Brightest itself to increase transparency and connect our success to you and the rest of our community.

Any contribution that helps us pursue that mission goes a long way, and helps us fund basic operating costs like servers, as well as our "One Action, One Tree" program.

Currently, the best ways and places to support us directly are:

Patreon - Brightest

Venmo - @brightestinc

PayPal - [email protected]

In the name of supporting innovation and democracy, we also accept tips in ether (ETH, based on the Ethereum protocol). We prefer ether to bitcoin due to its lower environmental footprint (70% less kWh per transaction), and will continue looking for more safe, sustainable and carbon-efficient ways to support the crypto community.

Our secure ETH address:

If you'd like to volunteer any other form of help (skills, talent, time, etc.), please contact us directly at [email protected]

Thanks again for all your support.