Around the world, democracy is under attack from authoritarianism, voter suppression, and governance shortcomings. But we also have an opportunity to face these challenges and instability, using them as opportunities to turn the tables and create the right system. A system that's fair, moral, sustainable, and human.
Even after the 2020 elections in the United States, American democracy remains the least representative of the will of the people it's been in recent history. Corporate and PAC money in politics is at all-time highs. And although 70% of Americans want universal background checks, more responsible gun safety laws, Medicare for all, and a higher minimum wage, and 66%+ support more climate change action, clean energy, and environmental protections, many politicians continue to block progress in favor of tax cuts for rich donors and big corporations. Moreover, at the state a local level, challenges against fair elections and voting rights are at alarming, historic highs.
That needs to change, and why it's so important to continue supporting voting rights, fair elections, and elected representatives who will fight for climate action, positive change, and fairer laws.
Use Brightest for Change
Our social impact software has powered campaigns ranging from U.S. Congressional races to youth climate advocacy and almost everything in between. Use our tools to organize, lead, build, coordinate, and measure social impact and change campaigns.

Register to Vote
We can help you register to vote right now in 2 minutes or less with our online tool.
We can also get you or a friend started when you text 'VOTE' to 952-777-7715.
Register Other Voters
We also have a full online FAQ, Toolkit, and Guide for running your own voter registration efforts at your school, office, church, or elsewhere in your local community.

Get Involved in a Campaign
There are hundreds of different campaign volunteer positions and GOTV actions listed on Brightest - all over the United States, with more being added every day. Each one has a direct line of communication to the campagin or a local partner to help you get started fast.
Now that we've flipped Congress and made key state-level legislative gains across the U.S., we have the power (and a platform) to bring progressive, working class ideals, fairness, equality, and humanity back to our government by finishing what we started in 2020. It's critically important we continue to organize and harness that energy and inspiration into tangible, grassroots action. Don't just read the news - let's respond, work together, and do something about it.
Any questions, thoughts, or replies? Please get in touch or msg us on Twitter we'd be happy to talk to you about them.